Sitemap - 2023 - Classical Ideals
ZERO; Gambling and the Illusion of Resurrection in Dostoevsky’s, “The Gambler”
Charles Dickens, Christmas and the Curious Secret of Human Happiness
Why Children Need to Believe in Santa Claus
Nomads, Globalists and Wignats
Hey baby, will you be my “Partner”
The Strangeness of Social Media Relationships
Remembering the Adventurer in Anthony Trollope’s “A Ride Across Palestine” (1861)
The Baby Industrial Complex Part 1: Mommy Bloggers
Why Gaston La Touche painted the Last Supper Better than Leonardo Da Vinci
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Victorian Era Seduction
Hiro Nakamoto on Classical Ideals and Why He’s Learnt to Love Human Art
Men changing diapers and the denigration of Fatherhood
"Chads Going Their Own Way" Sir Thomas More on living with degenerate systems
Great Expectations: Charles Dickens on what the world owes to us
The Hidden Human Voice of Classical Music
Statistics: The Demise of Science
How the Poet Invented Language
Lorenzetti’s (1338) Allegory of Justice
The Very Human Nature of Technology
What Mrs. Darling can Teach us about How to Grow Up
Subway Perseus and the Worship of Medusa
The Vaccine Series: Whooping Cough
Antoine Saint Exupery on How to Love a Man
Why Gay Marriage is Wrong - A Legal Perspective
An Anatomy of Madness - Part 1
What Michelangelo’s Pietà can Teach us About Woman’s Noblest Nature
Distinguishing the Human Artist from the Machine
Information Guerrilla Warfare and the Influencer
The Dark Psychology of “Body Positivity”
Decadent Hippies: Searching for Religion in the Fridge
Teenage Pregnancies are Normal Actually